Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Arms Race Escalates

It is me, armed with recipes, versus....the ZUCCHINI!
Today's harvest for this family of two:

Monday, June 15, 2015

Today in the Garden: June 15, 2015

Top, left to right: tropical hibiscus, squash blossoms, castor bean plant in flower.
Middle row: butterfly weed, snow-on-the-mountain white pine, "Spider-Man" day lily.
Bottom row: a white calpogon orchid amidst the pitcher plants, "Jester" ornamental millet, 
volunteer Black-eyed Susans.
Happy Gardening!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tonight's Salad

We have salad for dinner a couple of nights per week.  The stars of tonight's salad?
Frisée and the young leaves of amaranth, a nutrition-packed red "green!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Today in My Garden, June 2, 2015

A little hard to see, but this is what's blooming here today:
Left, Dracunculus vulgaris, common name Voodoo Lily or Little Dragon.  A fly-
pollinated plant, it is meat colored and smells bad (for about one day) and
I love it!  See the fly on it?
Center and right rows, left to right: Wild Aztec Tobacco (to draw, not smoke); common
Tiger lily; autumn sage, a hummingbird plant; castor bean (also grown to draw);
red hot poker (kniphofia) with old fashioned rose campion and: banana 
palms under the dogwood.