Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This Season 2016

This was a very bad season for my garden, so bad, in fact, that I have not posted much on it. I was unable to spray my zucchini plants with clay spray, so the squash vine borers got them very quickly. The tomatoes did OK, not great, though the eggplant  went gangbusters.  We had early spring, warmth, then a hard freeze, so that meant no figs, no strawberries, and no apples this year. In addition, the squirrels completely stripped my beloved persimmon tree of all the persimmons, even while they were green.   In mid spring, we had so many rainy days I could not keep up with the garden, then scorching heat throughout the summer, so ditto.

 So, I do not have much to report, but hope to be back with a few successes I had: two marvelous winter squash. Back to you soon.