Thursday, May 6, 2021

What I will Grow again Next Year...and have for a few seasons


Isn't she lovely? What a beauty!  I have grown a few types of bok choi/pak choi/tat soi over the years and this white-stemmed pak choi beats them all.  It is easy to grow and wonderful in stir fries.  I ordered my seed from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, located not too far from where I live in central Virginia (they are in Mineral, VA):

The only special requirement is that pak choi is a cool-season crop. It does really well when planted in early spring.  You cannot grow it in the summer, it bolts too quickly.  Like all brassicas, it can suffer from cabbage white caterpillars, which munch on the leaves. If this is a problem for you, grow them under a light weight row cover.