Monday, August 25, 2008


Welcome to my blog, Central Virginia Organic Gardener! I am Judy Thomas and I have been gardening for 36 years (yes, I was young when I started). I am passionate about gardening, even on my 1/2 acre suburban lot. I have a 2,000 square foot vegetable and fruit garden and a few thousand of flowers. Each week I will write an entry about a particular plant, or group of plants, that is interesting and useful in the Central VA organic garden. This photo is of my front walk in mid-summer-I planted flowers that attract my favorite creatures: hummingbirds (we see them several times a day in season), gold finches and butterflies. The photo on my profile is me with a wonderfully weird plant, a Sauromatum venosum, also called "Voodoo Lily" (I will write about this groups of oddballs soon!)

1 comment:

  1. Judy,

    It is amazing what you can do with such a small place to plant. It shows that all is needed is love of gardening and lots of fun exercise. I love this site.

    Mary Ann
