Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day and Plants: 2009

(Photo: what is blooming today in my garden- the Edith Wofford iris)

I was teasing my husband about Mother’s Day lasting the entire weekend, but it was just a tease. I feel that “my cup already runneth over” with love, affection, gardening….and kale! As local readers know, we’ve recently had a long rainy spell (kind of refreshing after the dry summer and fall, though it has kept me out of the garden). This has prompted a lot of growth on certain plants, and I have an abundance of greens. I love greens. My husband likes greens. My son will eat greens, as long as he can joke about it afterwards (not a bad trade at all!).

Anyway, about that cup running over? I am a lucky person- a life of love, friendship, a wonderful balance of work and personal interests, enough money and food and health, a chucklehead of a dog…but the best thing I can think of right now, is that I am lucky enough to know I am lucky and to appreciate it.

Gardening has brought great joy to my life. Not much else matters when I am in the garden. When I am tired and achy, I go out to putter in the garden and the pains fade away. Nothing cures that frazzled feeling than to pull weeds for an hour! Sometimes I just sit in the garden and….do nothing….

So, for this Mother’s Day, get out there and nurture a plant, be it a houseplant, a little pot of basil or an entire garden…

Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Gardening!


  1. Hey Judy, that was nice to read just as I'm heading to bed. Less than two hours of Mother's Day left, but Happy Mother's Day to you, too. Have a great week!

  2. Thank you Judy for sharing how wonderful gardening and life can be when you stop and think of all the gifts that we have been blessed with. Everything you mentioned can't be purchased in a store - the dog - of course but not the love that you have reared your dog with - that is the difference between - buying something and caring for it! I think love makes a difference and the appreciation makes something a treasure.

    Happy Mothers' Day a bit late.

  3. Dear Anita and Mary Ann,
    Thanks for your comments- from two great moms! Hope you two had great Mom's Days too. I am finally recovering from all the gardening I did! Good thing it is raining today, to keep me out of the garden!

  4. Hi Margaret,
    I am delighted that you found my blog and like it. I have a lot of fun writing it and look forward to hearing more from you!
    Best Wishes and Happy Gardening!
