Sunday, January 24, 2010

Floating Row Covers

Floating Row Covers (photo: row cover on my pallet bed)

I have been using floating row covers for years. For those of you who don’t know what they are, floating row covers are a lightweight, spun-bond "fabric" cover that lets in light and water, but creates a barrier to insects. This is great for plants like cucumbers that attract cucumber beetles. They also provide a little extra warmth early in the season. These covers have commercial names like Reemay or Argonet. My main frustration with them is that they tear too easily, often not lasting more than one season (though I can sometimes get a second season out of them by patching with tape). That and the price. While doing some garden reading, I read a recommendation to use sheer window curtains in the place of floating row covers. So, this winter’s thrift shop goal is to find used, inexpensive, sheer curtains for this project (and if any local readers have some for me, let me know!). If I do, I will report on how successful it was, how durable the curtains were and if they let in adequate sun and light.

Now, back to making my 2010 seed order!

Happy gardening!

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