Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tips from NBG

From the Norfolk Botanical Garden:
February Tips
by Director of Horticulture Brian O'Neil at
  • The word for the month of February is "prune." Any time this month, as weather allows, is the time to prune back the spent stalks of perennials and ornamental grasses. Shrubs that bloom on current season's growth such as butterfly bush, beautyberry and roses may also be cut back now.
  • Prune watersprouts and suckers from fruit trees, flowering plums and cherries. These stems tend to clog the inside of trees reducing air flow and promote weak growth and disease. Prune for an open center that a bird can easily fly through.
  • Now is the time to apply a slow release organic fertilizer or a compost topdressing to beds and borders. A light covering of your favorite mulch helps keep spring weeds at bay.
  • Take a look at your winter garden to determine where you lack some evergreen structure or winter interest. The bones of the garden are readily apparent now.
  • Complete your catalog seed orders this month to be ready for planting the vegetable garden. Some seeds, such as English Peas, can be planted toward the end of the month.
  • Happy Gardening!

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