Monday, February 27, 2012

Hazards of an Early Spring

An excellent New York Times article on some hazards of this warm winter and early spring, though it mostly discusses the effect on ornamental plants.


  1. Hi, Judy. I'm enjoying your blog, and find this particular article timely. There's been lots of chatter out and about regarding our mild winter. I've kept perennial gardens in the past, but this is my first year planting vegetables (and blogging about my hits and misses). And this atypical weather is not helping my learning curve!


  2. It seems our "Circle of Life" is being greatly tampered with by the effects of the weather. Will or can we get back to our recent normal? Or, are we creating a new "Circle of Life?"

  3. Let's pray it is not a big "circle of death."

  4. Oh my, that's scary. Good point. I need to be reminded of that from time to time.

  5. Hi Carolyn,
    You are right, this is perhaps not the year to learn about typical seasons, planting times, yields, bugs and diseases etc. OTOH, I suspect we will have more winters like this in our future, so maybe it is a good time to start?
