Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stuffed Greens: Recipe

Too many greens from the garden?  Stuff them!
Like some of my other "recipes," this is more a master recipe, rather than a measured approach (which gives you great flexibility). The basic idea is to start with washed greens that have a large leaf (chard works well, but so do collards with the stems trimmed back, steamed cabbage leaves or other green with a large leaf, like a mustard).  Then, decide on a filling. If it's meat, you are on your own, but any meatball recipe or combo with sausage should work.  You can also use rice, beans or lentils, seasoned with sauteed onion, garlic, peppers, and/or mushrooms and herbs, like Italian herb mixes.  Add toasted nuts if you like.  You can also fill with a ricotta cheese mix, like in a lasagna.  Simply put a dab of the filling on the intact leaf (collards and cabbage will benefit from being steamed before), roll the leaf up and place it in a glass lasagna pan, continuing until the pan is full (see photo).  I topped mine with spaghetti and al fredo sauces and baked for 45 minutes (or until bubbly) at 350 degrees.  But I can imagine topping with salsa and cheddar, maybe having put a bit of corn in the filling. Serve over pasta if you like. Be creative!
Happy greens gardening and eating!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so simple and yummy- why didn't I think of that long ago? :) I might try orzo with mushrooms and beans, sounds delish! Thanks for sharing!
