Sunday, November 25, 2012

Last Ichi Ki Kei Jiro Harvest

I just (11/14) harvested my last 5 Asian persimmons! Despite frost and two hard freezes, they are still firm and sweet.  Please read my blog entry on this wonderful plant for details (find it through my loooong index that I will be cleaning up soon).  Wonder how they will taste on the Thanksgiving table in my "famous" wild and black rice salad? Sorry this blog is so short today- I teach at a local university, and am in the "grading paper after paper" season! Plus it is post-holiday!
Happy gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very inspirational for these persimmons! Yours looks wonderful! I have just ordered an Ichi Ki Kei Jiro tree from Edible Landscaping, even before reading this and your good recommendation for them. Now I feel even more confident that I will end up with a good tree for my yard, and since it is the only tree I will have room for since the yard is so small, this is heartening! I live in West Virginia and look forward to having fruit as nice as you do some day, and a tree that looks as nice also. I do wonder though if it would be possible and a good idea to prune the lower branches as I don't want the tree to spread all over the grass. I would prefer it to show a trunk.
