Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Flora of Virginia

OK, I know this is late (for Valentine's Day and my Wednesday Lagniappe series), but if you have a Virginia Lover who loves the garden and the great outdoors, skip the environmentally unsound, chemically sprayed, hothouse roses with no scent and calorie filled treats and get him or her this book.  Decades in the making, the Flora of Virginia documents every plant in Virginia (excluding some exotic annuals and perennials) that have a recorded presence in the state.  Not "light reading," this book is helpful for identifying plants in Virgina (and nearby states) and is useful for naturalists, gardeners, educators and botanical art enthusiasts!  It also will help you learn your botanical Latin and other terms, ecological regions of the state, and much more!  One of my favorite features is 50 great places to find Virginia plants.  I previously disliked the idea of "bucket lists," but now I have one!
To read more about it:  RTF Flora article

Happy Gardening!

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