Sunday, February 23, 2014

National Invasive Species Awareness Week

This week, the week of Feb. 23, is National Invasive Species Awareness Week:
This event was developed and is promoted by The Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health at the University of Georgia.  For gardeners, be aware of what you plant!  Remove invasives like English Ivy!  What else to do?

"Eight Ways You Can Help
  1. Learn about invasive species, especially those found in your region. Your county extension office ( and the National Invasive Species Information Center ( are both trusted resources.
  2. Clean hiking boots, waders, boats and trailers, off-road vehicles and other gear to stop invasive species from hitching a ride to a new location.
  3. Avoid dumping aquariums or live bait into waterways.
  4. Use forage, hay, mulch and soil that are certified as "weed free."
  5. Plant only non-invasive plants in your garden, and remove any known invaders.
  6. Report new or expanded invasive species outbreaks to authorities. (See for a state-by-state list of contacts.)
  7. Volunteer to help remove invasive species from public lands and natural areas.
  8. Ask your political representatives at the state, local and national level to support invasive species control efforts."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good organization. Good of you to spread the message.
