Friday, October 9, 2020

Burgundy Okra...What I Will Grow Again Next Year


Chinese Red Asparagus Beans with Burgundy Okra
The plants grow 4-5 feet tall 

I grow vegetables to eat!  Well, duh.  What I means is that I grow for flavor, but I also grow for texture, productivity, and disease resistance. And, as a botanical artist, I grow for beauty.  I acquired a liking for okra when I moved to the deeper south decades ago.  Yes, fried okra is tasty (and slimy sometimes), but I like okra for its mild taste, for thickening soups, stews, and pasta sauce, and for the appearance of the sliced pods in my bowl. But is is a also a beautiful plant, with it's deep red stems and leaf veins, large leaves, light maroon pods, and stunning creamy yellow flowers.  Did you know it is a member of the hibiscus family?
                                                                        Just beautiful!

Planting okra is easy. It likes warm soil and thrives in hot weather.  When the pods begin to form, make sure to harvest regularly. Long pods (over 3 inches) are often too woody and fibrous to eat.

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