Friday, January 15, 2021

What I will Grow Again This Year: Turkish Eggplant

Isn't it cute? This is a fun "fruit" to grow to keep people guessing.  People think it is a pepper, tomato, or some sweet fruit, but it is an orange-skinned, green-fleshed,Turkish eggplant.  Partly I am growing it because it is pretty. It is also tasty, though small, and is great for stuffing! It seems as easy to grow as other eggplants.  Like all eggplants, I grow it under a row cover to keep flea beetles away-they can riddle the leaves of a plant with so many holes they kill it. As soon as the plant reaches flowering stage, I uncover it for pollination. The plant is typically large enough at this point to withstand the beetles, or they have completed their life cycle and are gone. 

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