A few weeks ago, I discovered that I had been seduced and tricked by a garden catalog…again! It was not as bad as the year when I made three separate orders to respond to three separate bearded iris specials from the same grower, but I had the same symptoms: I blacked out, forgetting that I had ordered 100 daffodil bulbs (which is not a lot, per se, but I have over 1,000 already in the front yard and am running out of real estate); denial (I don’t really have a problem-see last parenthetical comment) and; obsessive thoughts and actions regarding plants (my family can tell you- take me to a music festival, and I comment on the eucalyptus or flower beds nearby; take me to Disney and all I see are the topiaries; take me to a fancy restaurant, and I talk about the potted herbs in the windows). So, I received 100 of Brent and Becky’s finest fragrant mix daffodil bulbs and have to scramble as to where to put them. Daff’s look best in big drifts, so I suspect we are going to lose another swathe of grass (we are very opinionated and hate grass)….but, instead of thinking myself out of another fix (and getting my husband to “enable” me by digging the trench) I need to go cold turkey. Cancel e-mail notifications of specials, take catalogs straight to recycling…. Is there a support group for this?
you can go to www.catalogchoice.com and get unwanted catalogs out of your mailbox, and landfills.
Want to come over and help me plant the 100 daffs I still have out of the ground. If there weren't so many rocks around here....arrr!
The problem is I want these catalogs! I did the mail preference thing for all the others I do not want...I've even called some to get me off their mailing lists...but garden catalogs??? OH NO!
Instead of AA, you can go to a session with others that have your addiction.
Stand and announce, "My name is Judy, and I am a gardenerholic." :)
..or "My name is Judy and I am powerless over the lure of plants."
That works...I like that too. :)
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