I told you spring was coming! Above is photographic evidence from my front yard today! We in the mid-Atlantic states and upper south are going to have a "warm" (50's) weekend and the snow is melting fast. I started to do some yard and garden chores today, but had to watch out for waterlogged soil- no digging for a while. I straightened out and repaired my plastic row tunnels (my lettuce has survived) and did some general maintenance (picking up trash, sticks and doggy deposits). There are several other chores I can do this weekend even with the wet soil-I hope to finally cut back the raspberry canes (an unfinished job from fall), cover up some grassy areas to kill the grass for new flower and veggie beds, and do some minor pruning and trimming. I am going to start some seeds this weekend too, an indoor chore. Get out this weekend and do some garden tasks yourself, but avoid digging in soggy soil!
Happy gardening!
Do you promise???
Can it truly, finally be here?
I sure hope so, but am at least grateful for the increase in temps and the opportunity to do some cleaning up in the garden! Got to get back into "fighting trim" for the garden season!
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