I knew water hyacinth was a strong grower when I ordered it in May. Indeed it is banned in frost free climates, like Florida, as it is invasive and chokes waterways and wetlands there. It is fine to grow in an enclosed water garden in Virgina, where it is killed by frost (though all that dead vegetative matter needs to be removed before it rots away). But I have been more concretely reminded of how vigorously this plant can fill any available water space now that I grow it. Above is the water garden after I removed the pile of hyacinth below. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo before I pulled the plants out, but, believe me, it does not look all that different. In addition, this is the third time I have done this since mid-may when I received the 12 little plants!
Happy gardening!
I must be pleasant and relaxing to listen to your water fall while looking at your water garden.
Interesting to know the reason why it is banned in Florida. It makes me wonder how many other plants are banned around the world and their particular faults.
Countries and states have lists of banned plants- for example, it is illegal in some states for plant nurseries to sell the invasive purple loose strife which takes over wetland areas.
Did a quick Google of purple loose strife. Pretty plant, but I wouldn't trade it for the wetlands in my back yard; for the deer and other creatures that I see. Hopefully, we (the human residents) won't run the animals away with other things that potentially spoil what's left of their habitat.
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