Central Virginia Organic Gardener

"And 'tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes." - William Wordsworth, 1798

Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday photos!

[Photos: spring flowers, papheopedilums (slipper orchids) and epiphytes ("air" plants) on a log in the conservatory at Ginter].

No entry ths week, just 3 nice pix from my birthday trip to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens!


Felicity said...


Hope that you had a phenomenal day!

Anita said...

Happy Fiftieth Judy! What a beautiful day to visit the gardens. I hope that you have made this milestone a very memorable one, and that it is the beginning (or continuation) of excitement and adventure, or whatever realm you choose.

BaconGrease said...

wow beautiful pictures and flowers.

Judy Thomas said...

Thank you Felicity, Anita and "BG!" 50 is GREAT! (so far, 2 days out!)